Friday, January 22, 2016

A vision

I had a revelation the other night, about something that God had shown me a little over a year ago. It came in a three part vision. The last being written out. The first part of my vision that I saw was a huge wave coming off the water of Lake Michigan in the down town area of where I live. This wave was so big that it towered above the people on the shore and streets where I lived. I recall that the day was sunny and bright, with clouds hanging in the sky. It was a beautiful warm day. As I see this wave, I notice that people are running. I start to run as well and as I do I see this little girl with red pony tails and freckles on her face. I turned to this little girl and asked her when this was supposed to happen? She said, "June 15". I said, "June 15th, when?" She just said June 15th. The thing that I recall is that the people who were running, were running toward the highway. I'm not sure why, but they were. Anyway, As soon as she repeated June 15th the image disappeared and I came to. As I turned to look at the clock, I realized an hour had only passed. That was how I knew it was a vision and not a dream. Usually I am awake during the whole ordeal and it last an hour.

That was the first vision I had.

The second time God spoke to me concerning this event was months later, during a dream. In the dream I was in a room with a stairwell. This room had a pool of water that sloshed around the base of my shoes at first, but then arose at my ankles and then to my hips and then over my head, where I struggled to swim away from the area, hoping to find my way out, however I didn't. Instead the water receded and I was left standing on my feet soak and wet. As I catch my breath, glad about this, the water rises again and proceed to fill over my head.  Again, I am looking around shocked and confused but then the water recedes a second time. I realize then at this moment that I don't need to panic because it is at this moment I am aware that God is the one who's making this happen. Finally, it happens a third time. I just allow it to happen again without struggling and it recedes a third time. However when it recedes I am finding myself on a lake in a boat. I glance out and it is lake Michigan. As I do, I notice that slowly the water starts to freeze small at first but continue to get bigger and expand til eventually the boat stops moving. When it stops moving, I hear God tell me this is why. He roll out a scroll and I'm only able to read the first two words, homosexuality and Idolatry. I know that God was explaining to me why he would judge America. I didn't get to see everything on the list, but those two were the first two.

Afterward I woke up with a clear understanding of why the judgement would happen to this country. I have no animosity toward homosexuals or homosexuality but that is what was shown.

The third and final revelation came just a few nights ago. This was just the over powering of the holy spirit, giving me things to write down. The Holy Spirit spoke that June 15, 2016 would be the end of America as we know it. What it means, I have no idea. Does it mean there would be disasters or famines or what ever? I don't know, but I do know that America as we perceive it has come to an end. How? I don't know.

I will pray for everyone, myself included.
God bless you guys,